Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

Traditional Medicine: A Global Perspective

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Steven B. Kayne
Pharmaceutical Press, 2009 - 331 pages
This is a contributed text on traditional medicines throughout the world. Almost 20 years ago the World Health Organization estimated that 'In many countries, 80 per cent or more of the population living in rural areas are cared for by traditional practitioners and birth attendants'. It has since revised its view, adopting a rather safer position, now stating: 'most of the population of most developing countries regularly use traditional medicine'. Whereas most people use traditional medicine in developing countries, only a minority have regular access to reliable modern medical services. Countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America use traditional medicine (TM) to help meet some of their primary health care needs. In Africa, up to 80 per cent of the population uses traditional medicine for primary health care. In industrialized countries, adaptations of traditional medicine are termed 'Complementary' or 'Alternative' (CAM). Over one-third of the population in developing countries lack access to essential medicines. The provision of safe and effective traditional medicine therapies could become a critical tool to increase access to health care.

The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine

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A. John Camm, Thomas F. Lüscher, P. W. Serruys
Wiley-Blackwell, 2006 - 1122 pages

The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine is the first ever cardiovascular textbook to be published in partnership with an international society and is set to become the new benchmark for cardiologists in Europe and beyond.

    * Follows the ESC Core Syllabus
    * Compatible with ESC Guidelines and best practice
    * Accompanying online version with CME accreditation
    * Strong clinical focus and consistent format
    * Full colour illustrations throughout

As a teaching or training text structured around the ESC Core Syllabus, The ESC Textbook contains the knowledge that every general cardiologist should strive to attain and keep current. It does not try to contain everything a sub-specialist should know about the field.

It does, however, cover the entire field of cardiovascular medicine and unlike other texts the first six chapters are dedicated to diagnostic imaging. Imaging modalities are also discussed within the subsequent chapters on different disorders and diseases and referenced back to the first chapters.

The highly respected editor and contributor team have ensured a strong clinical focus throughout The ESC Textbook. There are over 120 contributing authors from 12 European countries all of whom are internationally recognised specialists in their field, but chosen as much for their ability as writers as for their knowledge. The result is a balanced, expert and comprehensive review of each topic.

All chapters follow the same format so that there are no inconsistencies in style or content. Each chapter opens with a brief “Summary” box detailing the scope of the chapter and ends with a “Personal Perspectives” box in which the author outlines the state of the art and future directions for the area. With approximately 1100 pages, The Textbook is succinct, focused and practical to use. Only key references are included so that readability is not inhibited by overly dense text.

It is also visually appealing with an image on every two-page spread. There are over 700 full colour images and over 230 informative tables. All of the illustrations (and all of the ECG traces too) have been re-drawn to ensure consistency of style and quality. This truly outstanding art programme means that techniques and concepts are easy to grasp.

An online version of The ESC Textbook is provided with each printed copy. A card with the website address and a unique access number is bound into every book. The unique access number is used when registering, at which point a user name and password can be chosen. Using the website is straightforward and technical help is available if needed.

The online version contains all the text and images from The ESC Textbook as well as:
    * An excellent full text search facility
    * Downloadable PDF chapter files
    * Links from reference lists to PubMed
    * A database of video clips supplied by the authors
    * Chapter based CME multiple choice questions

The provision of high quality CME for cardiologists and trainees in Europe is a key priority of the ESC. In line with this aim, accreditation of chapters in The ESC Textbook is awarded by EBAC (The European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology).

Religion, Medicine and the Human Embryo in Tibet

Get this book by free. CLICK HERE or the following link
http://www.ziddu.com /download/11277240/ReligionMedicineandtheHumanEmbryoinTibet.PDF.html 

Frances Mary Garrett
Routledge, 2008 - 208 pages
At the core of this book lies the history of embryology and what it reveals about medicine and religion in Tibet. By linking aspects of Tibetan medicine to expressions of culture, religion, art, and literature, the book shows that writing on embryology descriptions on the development of the human body from conception to birth can be found in all forms of Tibetan religious literature, as well as in medical texts and in art. The transformations of embryological narratives over several centuries illuminates key turning points in Tibetan medical history and its relationship with religious doctrine and practice. Embryology was a site for religious and medical theorists alike to contemplate profound questions of being and becoming, while topics such as pharmacology and nosology were left to shape the domain of secular medicine. As religion, stories of human development comment on embodiment, gender, sociopolitical hierarchy, religious ontology, and spiritual progress. Through the lens ofembryology, this book examines how these concerns shift as Tibetan history moves through the formative 'renaissance' period of the twelfth through seventeenth centuries.

Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Concise Textbook

You can get this book freely just by CLICK HERE or the click the following link
Thomas M. Habermann
Mayo Clinic Scientific Press, 2007 - 914 pages
Now for the first time, a new diagnosis and treatment guide with even more focus on the most commonly encountered disorders than ever before. All major internal medicine diseases and disorders are covered in this new succinct evidence-based guide to treatment and diagnosis in internal medicine. Organized by body system, and focused on critical core topics, the Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Concise Textbookis replete with summary tables, algorithms, and summary points. Easy-access to tables of current medications, indications and side-effects saves time and improves treatment outcomes. In addition, special sections provide expert guidance on preparation for the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Skills examinations.

ABC of Geriatric Medicine

You have to get this book. Just CLICK HERE or the following link
and this book wil be yours

Nicola Cooper, Kirsty Forrest, Graham Mulley
John Wiley & Sons, 2009 - 88 Pages
Demographic trends confirm what clinicians already know - they are spending increasing amounts of time dealing with older people. This new ABC provides an introduction to the new and increasing challenges of treating older patients in a variety of settings.

ABC of Geriatric Medicine provides an overview of geriatric medicine in practice. Chapters are written by experts, and are based on the specialty geriatric medicine curriculum in the UK.

ABC of Geriatric Medicine is a highly illustrated, informative, and practical source of knowledge, with links to further information and resources. It is an essential guide where management of the ageing population is a major health issue - for hospital and family doctors, students, nurses and other members of the multi-disciplinary team